Reviews, monitoring
Hallgrímur has carried out, as team leader, team member or sole expert, reviews of statistical cooperation projects in Palestine, Angola, Eritrea, Malawi, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, South-East Asia, Kyrgyzstan and in Europe. He chaired the High Level Expert Group which organized and managed the international monitoring of the Population and Housing Census in Macedonia in 2002. In the period June 2009 – January 2010, Hallgrímur was the team leader on the evaluation of the World Bank Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building. In 2013, he was expert for the ex-post evaluation of the EU-ASEAN Statistical Capacity Building Programme 2009-2013. In 2014, Hallgrímur was team leader working for GOPA Consultants on a Current Status Survey carried out for GCC-Stat in the member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Hallgrímur was a team leader in Slovenia, Spain, the UK, Poland and Romania on the Eurostat 2014-2015 round of peer reviews of NSIs of the European Statistical System. In 2016-2019, he participated in preparing and conducting peer reviews of national statistical systems in African countries. In 2018, Hallgrímur carried out for the UNSD a mid-term external evaluation of the UN 10th tranche Development Account Program on Statistics and Data. In 2019, he was a leader of a team of experts working for the World Bank on the final evaluation of the Statistics for Results Facility – Catalytic Fund. In 2020-2021, he was lead expert on the UNECE, EFTA, Eurostat Global Assessment of the National Statistical Committee and the National Statistical System of Kyrgyzstan.