Archive for the ‘Miscellaneous’ Category
Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021
SnorrasonStatistics is the working name of the consulting services in official statistics and related fields offered by Hallgrímur Snorrason, former Director General of Statistics Iceland – the national statistical institute of Iceland. Hallgrímur retired from that post on 1 January 2008 having held that office for 23 years. During that time he led the evolution of Statistics Iceland and Icelandic official statistics from a minimalistic domestic operation to a fully fledged but small national statistical institute actively participating in international statistical cooperation and fulfilling the major part of the obligations posed by the international and European statistical systems for comparable statistical undertakings and data. During his career at Statistics Iceland, Hallgrímur played an active role in the cooperation of the main international and supra-national agencies in the field of statistics. Since retiring from Statistics Iceland, Hallgrímur has worked as independent consultant in official statistics, in several countries and for various organizations, mainly in developing countries and on capacity building issues.
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